Puppy Foundation Training

Congratulations on welcoming your new puppy home! Their charm and playfulness are undeniable, yet those mischievous behaviours can lead to chaos around the house. Have you had enough of returning to a home with chewed shoes and overturned furniture? It’s high time for a solid investment in your puppy’s future with proper training. At SHIELD K9 Woodstock, we provide comprehensive puppy training courses in Woodstock that empower your beloved pet to evolve into an obedient and well-mannered canine companion.

Seize the opportunity now and enroll your puppy in SHIELD K9 Woodstock’s training classes. Witness the incredible progress as your furry companion develops into a well-behaved and socially adept dog!


Spanning a dynamic four-week period, each of our sessions extends for an enriching 60 minutes, meticulously crafted to underscore the crucial aspects of management, obedience, and social interaction. This comprehensive strategy ensures your puppy doesn’t just pick up vital training techniques but also embarks on a thrilling path towards confidence and a keen eagerness for learning. 

At our puppy school, we champion the cause of focused and attentive learning environments. This is precisely why we keep our group sessions intimate, capping at just eight puppies each. This approach allows every pup to bask in the glow of personalized guidance and instruction, perfectly positioning them to navigate the real world with assurance.

Ready to get started on this exhilarating training adventure with your puppy? Secure your spot now and witness the remarkable evolution of your furry companion into a confident, obedient, and socially adept dog.

Please inform us if your puppy has any behavioural tendencies, including:

  • Possessive resource guarding issues
  • Any other bad behaviour that occurs in your home.



  • Leash

  • Collar

  • Treats

  • 20-30” Flexi Lead

  • Hungry Puppy (Don’t Feed Prior To Class)

Course Length: 4 Classes
1 Hour Every Week
Price: $199 + HST


Congratulations on welcoming your new puppy home! Their charm and playfulness are undeniable, yet those mischievous behaviours can lead to chaos around the house. Have you had enough of returning to a home with chewed shoes and overturned furniture? It’s high time for a solid investment in your puppy’s future with proper training. At SHIELD K9 Woodstock, we provide comprehensive puppy training courses in Woodstock that empower your beloved pet to evolve into an obedient and well-mannered canine companion.

Our programs are designed to equip your puppy with the essential skills for impeccable behaviour, including mastering commands like recalls, heeling, sitting, laying down, staying in place, and proper kennel habits. Through marker training, we empower you and your furry companion to engage seamlessly, utilizing both vocal cues and physical signals for clear communication. Beyond basic commands, our curriculum delves into effectively navigating your puppy through social environments, ensuring they’re prepared to handle real-world scenarios with poise. With the support of our experienced team, your puppy will swiftly ascend the ladder of success, embodying obedience and manners that stand out. Enroll now and witness the remarkable evolution of your puppy into a model of canine civility and grace.

Puppy Foundations

Initiating your puppy’s training early on is crucial for sculpting their behaviour and character for their entire lives. Here at SHIELD K9 Woodstock, we recognize the uniqueness of each puppy, ensuring they receive the individual attention and instruction they need. Our Puppy Training classes equip your furry friend with essential obedience skills and the ability to interact positively with other dogs and humans. Beginning training early wards off undesirable behaviours like incessant barking, jumping on individuals, and gnawing on furniture. Our innovative marker training approach, employing high-value rewards, accelerates learning, making it a rewarding experience for both you and your puppy. Register your puppy with us now to lay down the cornerstone for a lifelong bond of companionship.



How to Train a Puppy

At SHIELD K9 WOODSTOCK, we break puppy training down into three categories:

Puppies, much like young kids, are adorable but require significant guidance and attention. Their attention spans are short, their impulse control is limited, and their curiosity knows no bounds. This is why creating an environment that encourages good habits and a structured routine is important to avoid unwanted behaviour.

Imagine leaving a toddler unsupervised in your living space; you’re practically inviting accidental havoc, bathroom blunders, and potential harm. Just as human toddlers crave constant attention, the same principle applies to their furry counterparts.

Welcoming a new puppy into your home calls for a concrete strategy. Your mission? To cultivate a secure, enriching atmosphere that champions learning and good habits. Puppies have an innate affinity for repetition, which can swing either way — towards constructive or destructive outcomes. To pave the path to triumph, thwarting negative behaviours like separation anxiety, indoor accidents, reactive tendencies, and more, a system must be put in place.

Initiating a well-structured regimen is the cornerstone of integrating a new puppy into your household. Puppies require mentorship and supervision, underpinning the need for an atmosphere conducive to positive habit formation and behaviour patterns. By putting these measures into action, your puppy is set not just to survive but to excel, evolving into an exemplary canine companion.

The road to raising a well-behaved puppy is laden with hurdles, yet equally rewarding. Seize this opportunity to shape your puppy’s future, instilling discipline, kindness, and consistency at every turn. By implementing these strategies, your puppy will thrive and grow to become a great house dog. Let’s set the stage for success, guiding your puppy towards a bright, well-mannered future.

The right obedience training for your puppy could actually be a lifesaver! Picture this: your beloved pet dashes towards a bustling street, yet at your command, they halt, turn, and sprint back to your arms, safe and sound. Tragically, too many dogs aren’t that fortunate, suffering injuries or worse yearly. Thankfully, there’s a proactive solution to prevent these heartbreaking incidents—thorough and effective puppy obedience training.

Here at SHIELD K9 Woodstock, our training methodology zeros in on essential behaviours crucial not just for your dog’s safety but for their happiness, too. We focus on fundamental commands like ‘place,’ recalls, sit/down/stay, heel, crate training, ‘leave it,’ and even structured play. Our aim isn’t merely about instilling obedience; it’s about ensuring the learning process is as engaging and joyful as possible for your pup.

With our training system, your puppy will discover that training sessions are not just educational but immensely enjoyable. They’ll grasp the concept that certain commands are non-negotiable and that compliance is key. This foundational training not only gears your puppy for immediate success but also paves the way for seamlessly adopting more complex behaviors in the future.

If you’re looking to set your puppy up for a bright, safe, and fulfilling life ahead, SHIELD K9 Woodstock’s puppy obedience training is your go-to resource. Equip your furry companion with the skills and discipline needed for a lifetime of joy, companionship, and safety. Let’s get started on securing the best future for your pup—because they deserve nothing less.

Socializing your puppy is a crucial part of their training, one that is often misinterpreted by many handlers. It’s common to see individuals turning to Google or other readily available sources for guidance, only to find themselves at a standstill on how to effectively socialize their pets. However, have you noticed how the dogs trained by our system manage to remain fully attentive to their handlers in any setting? That’s because we’ve mastered the art of proper socialization.

It’s a myth that socialization means exposing your puppy to an endless stream of unfamiliar dogs and people, hoping that treats will make them more sociable. This strategy can actually result in your puppy becoming either overly anxious or excessively excited during social encounters – both outcomes are far from ideal. What’s truly effective is teaching your puppy to remain calm and focused on you, their handler, regardless of the distractions surrounding them.

Finding this sweet spot of socialization is challenging, but there’s no need to worry – that’s exactly what we’re here for. Our system is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to socialize your puppy in a manner that doesn’t just aim to make them indifferent to strangers and new experiences but fosters confidence and appropriate curiosity. It’s time to leave behind the common pitfalls and ineffective methods and welcome a new era of confident and well-adjusted companionship with your furry friend.

Enroll your puppy in our Puppy Training Course today and learn the essential skills to properly guide your furry friend to success!